Announcing New Substack Community

Suzan Erem, author and owner of Lastdraft Writing for Impact, announced in early 2024 that she has created a new Substack Community under the name Postcards from an Iowa Transplant.

Readers and clients are encouraged to subscribe paid or free to receive quick but poignant insights and amazing photos in your inbox every 10 to 14 days.

Substack is a relatively new platform that allows writers and readers to connect directly, without the static of advertisers or corporate boards, paywalls or editors (for better or for worse on that last one – some writers love good editors!) It’s also a way to support independent writing and publishing. Readers decide to financially support writers they enjoy or just read along for free. Many writers offer special perks to paid subscribers.

“We’re offering some free freeze-dried goodies and camping to paid subscribers who visit our Draco Hill Nature Farm,” Erem explained. “But people subscribe because they believe what I’m writing is valuable and necessary, not necessarily for some sweet corn, and I love them for that!”

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