Building a Better Health Care System At UIHC
Client: Service Employees International Union Local 199
Format: Two panel brochure with membership card perforation.
This union of 2,000 professionals had only 500 active members, and was entering into negotiations for its second contract. Leaders needed to remind bargaining unit members what the union had accomplished, while also admitting there was much work left to be done, and inspiring people to join.
Sample: Building a Better Health Care System At UIHC
Professionals Know Best What Our Patients Need.
The Professional and Scientific staff at UIHC organized ourselves as a union in 1998 in response to arbitrary layoffs, threats of PTO and other cutbacks we saw endangering patient care and our own quality of life.
As a union, we have been able to negotiate an agreement with management which provided – for the first time – protection from arbitrary decisions. With that first contract, we laid the foundation upon which we can build a stronger, more effective second contract.
As a union, we have been able to negotiate an agreement with management which provided — for the first time — protection from arbitrary decisions. With that first contract, we laid the foundation upon which we can build a stronger, more effective second contract.
We succeeded in negotiating improvements such as:
- Time and a half pay for holidays.
- Consistent on -call pay for all staff.
- Seniority for layoffs and transfers.
- Guaranteed 10 hours off between shifts.
- Guaranteed across the board raises for all staff.
- No more than 3 weekends worked in a 6-week period.
- First Time Pay Differential for RT’s
- Pay for interrupted meal breaks
As an organization
- We provided P&S staff support and feedback mechanisms through surveys, regular committee meetings with management, unsafe staffing forms and a system of worksite leaders so we can all have a say in how we improve the quality of patient care.
- We successfully lobbied our state legislators for a Safe Needle study bill and are currently testifying in support of a bill that would mandate the use of safe needles in all Iowa hospitals.
- We won an arbitration in September that halts the use of nearly all mandatory overtime until 1/1/2001. At that time, contractual language goes into effect, limiting mandatory overtime to extraordinary circumstances.
Imagine what more we could do.
We are 2,000 professionals committed to providing the highest quality health care in the state. We are organized into one association with the legal status to speak as equals with management about staff retention, safe staffing levels, training and family-friendly work schedules. As our membership grows, we can more effectively fend off rising health insurance costs, staff reductions and other threats to our livelihood and to quality health care.
When you join SEIU Local 199 you not only lend your voice to that discussion, you make what we say as an organization stronger and more effective. Joining the union is the least of any commitment you can make to improving your working conditions at UIHC. And now, as we enter contract negotiations for the second time, your membership means more than ever.
Join Today Dues are ____% of gross monthly wages (up to $__), dedicated to bargaining, informing members on progress, receiving feedback and building the organization to more effectively represent you.
Dues Deduction Authorization
I hereby authorize my employer, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, to deduct membership dues in Service Employees International Union from wages due to me on a monthly basis and to transmit the same to Service Employees International Union at its office in Coralville.
The amount of monthly dues shall be the amount established by the Constitution and By-laws of Service Employees International Union and as certified to my employer by SEIU.
This authorization shall be effective with the first paycheck after receipt of this card by the employer, and continue in effect until revoked by me, pursuant to the requirements of Iowa Code Section 79.19.