American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees: AFSCME Iowa members lobby legislature

AFSCME AdvocateClient: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

Sample: AFSCME Iowa members lobby legislature


Almost 200 AFSCME activists converged on the state capitol in March to educate legislators about the benefits of an increased cigarette sales tax and stronger corporate accounting laws.

First-time participants included an estimated 40 home care providers who care for the elderly and people with disabilities who would otherwise have to live in institutions. Some of those workers were accompanied by their “consumers” as well.

The annual Lobby Day began with comments by Gov. Tom Vilsack and Lt. Gov. Sally Pederson. AFSCME Legislative Director Marcia Nichols and AFSCME Researcher Chris Fox briefed the rank and file lobbyists before they hit the hill to talk to legislators.

“We talked to [Rep. Jeff] Kaufman, (R-Cedar),” said Paul Show, a mass transit operator from Iowa City and president of Local 183. “He was very affable, honest and open. He left us wondering if he was a Democrat or Republican!”

“It was a good opportunity to open my eyes and see what it entails,” said Lindy Peterson, who works at Iowa Workforce Development and is vice president of Local 3016. “AFSCME really does take capitol; we really do have a voice.”

AFSCME’s priorities this year were to lobby legislators on specific proposals that would raise enough revenue to maintain quality public services, especially in the face of ever-tightening federal budgets, and ongoing state budget troubles. AFSCME members take vacation or union leave days once a year to go to the capitol and track down legislators between sessions and meetings.

“It was all very positive,” said Show. “You feel like at least you’re in tune a little bit with what’s going on. You can see that Council 61 is doing its job.”

And besides, workers make the best lobbyists, Peterson said.

“Who knows how to speak better for the issue than the person who is actually in that job, working?”