Joining by Industry Strengthens Our Bargaining

Working with SEIU's President Andy Stern, the president of Local 73 was about to embark on a politically risky but crucial effort to realign the union membership of multiple amalgamated locals into industry-specific locals. All public sector members would end up in one local, all industrial in another and...

Building a Better Health Care System At UIHC

This union of 2,000 professionals had only 500 active members, and was entering into negotiations for its second contract. Leaders needed to remind bargaining unit members what the union had accomplished, while also admitting there was much work left to be done, and inspiring people to join....

Digging for Energy in Distant Lands

Istanbul — Today I arrived, feeling jetlagged after eight hours in the air but with my adrenaline pumping. I am staying for a day at a friend's house on the Strait of Bosphorus. Sitting on the expansive marble balcony, I hear the chugging tankers and freighters maneuvering up the...

Wages will go up when we make the demand

I came back to Iowa after 11 years away for one reason: I missed it. I didn't grow up in Iowa, but when I lived here through the decade of the 1980s, Iowa grew on me. I decided then that this is where I would make my home......

Gods, Bears, Stones, and Stars

Spanish professor Roslyn Frank has spent the last 30 years chasing them across the centuries and across the European continent- behaving much like the main character of the work that first inspired her: Don Quijote....

Gary Gets Behind Hospital Workers

This article published in August 2000 received full front page coverage, banner headline and photos treatment, and jumped to an inside page. The Indiana Labor News is the oldest labor newspaper in Indiana, publishing since 1965....